The Book of Revelation is one of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted books of all time.

Between the rich symbolic imagery and mysterious series of events depicted, it has become one of the most difficult to read and, at time, terrifying books ever written. Finally, here is a comprehensive and clear explanation of the book of Revelation, exploring the themes of the book while understanding the symbols and events depicted in light of the Hebrew prophets and the Autumn Biblical Feasts. In fact, it becomes clear that the Apostle John did not receive a “new” revelation of the latter days, but instead a clearer, refined revelation already given to the ancient Prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures. It is only in light of the Hebrew Scriptures, beginning in Genesis all the way through to the Prophets, that we can fully grasp the vision given to the Apostle John in the book of Revelation.

This book is a message to the Bride of Messiah to understand the signs to her to ready herself for the coming of the Bridegroom, and the revelation of His glory to all mankind.

-Melissa Rosenblit


Jannie Tolhoek – Jerusalem

“Autumn Feasts in Revelation provides a structure of the book of Revelation in the light of God’s complete plan for salvation, embedded in the Biblical Feasts of the Lord. The study integrates the prophetic words of the Old Testament Prophets, as well as New Testament end-time prophetic foreshadows, into the book of Revelation. The book is very structured and lays down the foundation of our Faith, completely based on Scripture. It is not a casual, easy read, as it contains a great amount of in-depth information, and should be studied hand-in-hand with Scripture. The study unlocked the book of Revelation to me, which I often did not comprehend so well. It also shows God as sovereign, providing us a blueprint of His plan for salvation in His Word. I highly recommend this book, as it also equipped me to discern error in teachings on the end times!”